Question: What do you enjoy the most about building a business?

Answer: The reward is in the results and that starts with the people. If you want to grow your business, grow your people first. I can definitely help with that.

Question: What are you looking for in new client relationships?

Answer: The relationship is where my emphasis is. I don't sugar-coat the facts. Integrity and trust are required. I'm looking for similar-minded leaders to work with because chemistry will allow us to be much more productive.

Question: Are you one of those types that drags out the process to rack up more charges?

Answer: No. I'm focused on the business. I didn't find my success by dragging my feet...on anything. I work very fast, am obsessed with the quality of my work, and am a low-cost service provider. I’ve lived in fast-paced environments for many years and appreciate the value of time. I focus on getting it done, no matter what it is.

Question: What do you offer regarding consulting services?

Answer: Guided solutions to business problems. 99% of the time, I'll have an opinion and a solution - often several solutions. Having said that, I prefer to help you arrive at a solution. Growth is a process, and my clients must find value in working with me.

Question: What is your communication style?

Answer: Direct and confident without any fluff. I like to celebrate victories and get on to the next thing. Wasting time is wasting money. I live by the motto, "Everything I do Today Is An Investment In Tomorrow!" When we team up, I'm focused on investing in your tomorrow.

Question: How do I get started?

Answer: I like to get acquainted with the business leader(s) and understand the primary need. From there, we tailor a solution and get started right away.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839