Bob Huey

Bob Huey has been passionate about business since his early teen years and by his mid-teens was promoted to the position of parts manager in a high-volume motorcycle dealership. By his early twenties, he worked his way up to the top spot of general manager. This is when he first learned about leadership. Raised to respect his elders and, at the time, being the company's youngest employee, this created an internal conflict that he had to overcome. He decided that since he accepted the promotion to General Manager, he needed to accept the responsibility that came with it. He realized that he would be doing his team a disservice if he did not provide them the guidance they were looking for and needed. This is when he found the courage to say what needed to be said, when it needed to be said, and how it needed to be said - this is when he became a leader.

A couple of years later Bob moved his skills to the automotive industry. Knowing the front line in any retail business started with sales, he decided to take a position selling used vehicles at the largest multi-brand dealership, at the time, in Toledo, Ohio. His family owned dealerships in other markets, so he was aware that this was the best way to improve his selling skills. Within a few months he found his niche by selling cars over the phone. The dealership provided him with his own direct line, which ended in "9999", matching his "Unique Selling Proposition" (USP) which was "$99 Down and $99 Per Month". Within a few more months this marketing strategy was so successful he no longer needed to take any unscheduled walk-in business.

After three years of success and while still at the dealership, Bob was recruited by an aftermarket automotive repair chain in Toledo for the position of Store Manager. He was able to immediately combine his leadership and sales experience, resulting in a first-day sales jump of 40%. He continued to grow that business and was asked to apply the same performance principles to a busier location for the same company. Having experienced great success over a period of roughly five years, Bob knew he needed a greater challenge.

His career in the automotive aftermarket accelerated when he was recruited by a large independent tire dealer and auto service chain in the same market area. Within a couple of years, he was given multi-store responsibilities and shortly thereafter promoted to Vice President of Operations. After building a “Best of the Best” team, doubling the total sales volume, adding additional locations to a total of 19, and becoming the number one chain in the region, Bob decided he had more to offer.

With extensive knowledge and experience, Bob Huey advises and coaches retail automotive tire and service dealers and their team members. Finding his niche again, he helps others achieve their greatest potential for success in business.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839

A message from Bob Huey:

"Do Right By People and Your Business Will Thrive"

"It's all about the people." I have always insisted that "Everyone Leaves Happy". If they don't, you won't grow...period. Interestingly, most consider customers first; I include all customers, but I start with employees. Think about it: if your employees don't leave happy, how can you expect your customers to? Employees are your number one asset - Let's start there.

I am intensely focused on accountability for "performance". Is your daily goal communication timely, easy to understand, and quick to comprehend? You cannot effectively hold accountability unless the goals are clear and the team knows what a win looks like. I can help here - Let's discuss how.

"Roles and Processes". Can you imagine showing up for work not knowing what you will be doing for the day? All you know is that you'll put out fires like every other day, darting from one issue to the next. Some will say, "...that's just retail." Wrong! It doesn't need to be that way. Well-defined roles and processes will set your business up for new growth and less frustration every single day. See my training on roles and processes. 👉 OPERATIONS TRAINING | Roles and Processes

"Products/Services and Pricing" management is crucial to your strategic business plan. It's surprising how many businesses spend too little time in this area. You must continuously consider new profit opportunities while reexamining your current offerings. Have your prices kept pace with your rising costs? Worried the market won't bear it? Let's talk about it.

Your "properties" should always project the image you want: Clean, comfortable, and accommodating. For instance, your restrooms should be cleaner than the nearest high-end restaurants, you should have zero potholes in your lot, up-to-date signage, inside and out, and plenty more.

Regarding "promotion", I know how to build and deliver on advertising budgets. It is exciting to build ad campaigns that increase car counts. I will always "think like an owner and act like a partner." - That's my promise to you.

Let's work together to build your business.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839



Autocratic Leadership:
The leader makes decisions independently and expects employees to follow orders without much input. Decisions are centralized, which can lead to efficiency but may limit creativity and employee engagement.

Although less common and less popular, the Autocratic style is needed when tough decisions have to be made. Don't be afraid to say, "This is how I want it".

Democratic Leadership:
This style encourages participation from team members in decision-making. Leaders seek input, value diverse perspectives, and aim to reach consensus. It fosters collaboration and can enhance employee morale.

In business, leading by consensus can be very dangerous for your bottom line. Democratic Leadership should be used for 'targeted' team and individual engagement only.

Transformational Leadership:
Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams to achieve remarkable results. They focus on shared values and a compelling vision, often leading to positive organizational changes.

There's nothing more exciting than bringing the energy and firing up the team to win.

Transactional Leadership:
This style emphasizes clear roles, minimum performance expectations, and rewards for performance. Leaders use a "give and take" approach, providing rewards for meeting set goals while intervening when standards aren't met.

Not to be confused with Transactional Relationships, Transactional Leadership should be part of your leadership foundation.

Servant Leadership:
Servant leaders prioritize the needs of their team members above their own. They aim to support and empower employees, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

For many of us, this style has been utilized for decades. Its resurgence post-pandemic has created better work environments for many.

Coaching Leadership:
Coaching leaders focus on developing their team members' skills and abilities. They provide guidance, feedback, and resources to help employees grow and achieve their potential.

Be a "Coaching Leader". Just don't be that leader in the middle of the play. It's like cross-training employees to fill other roles or positions - there's a right time for that.

Adaptive Leadership:
Adaptive leaders navigate complex and rapidly changing environments. They encourage flexibility, innovation, and learning, enabling the organization to thrive in dynamic conditions.

This style represents the thrill-seeker in you - riding the cliff's edge while maintaining your composure. The more challenging, the better. Hang Ten, Baby!

Situational Leadership:
Situational leaders adapt their style based on the current situation and the needs of their team. They match their approach to the competence and readiness of their team members.

Here it is: It has been said that more than 50% of leaders utilize one leadership style for every situation. That means that leaders use the wrong style nearly 50% of the time when leading their people. Every person on your team has a unique personality. Leadership cannot be viewed as 'one-size-fits-all'.

The most effective leaders combine different styles based on the situation and the people involved. If you would like some assistance with expanding your leadership style, I can help.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839


Here are just a few comments from some of Bob Huey's past teammates.
“Everyone Leaves Happy!”

Team Leader
"...I will forever be grateful for the opportunity you gave me. You trusted me to take care of the business you created. You have helped me grow both personally and professionally. I will never be able to thank you enough for what you have done for me and my family."
Team Leader
"...I will never forget the manner in which we were coached, challenged, and celebrated."
Team Leader
"I want to thank you for helping me get to where I am, but I frankly can't find the words. Regardless of where I end up your leadership has played a pivotal role in the success I have enjoyed and I will be forever appreciative."
Team Leader
“Your ‘all about the people’ is what drove us all to bring our best everyday. You were firm and even intimidating sometimes until I figured out you only wanted all of us to be successful. When I was having some family issues, I learned how much you cared. I will never forget what you did for me and my family. The best boss I ever had!!”
Team Leader
"...appreciate all you've done for me and my family! You're truly the best!"
Fleet Relationship Manager
‘I had the distinct pleasure of working with Bob for many years. I found him to be a caring, charismatic leader that could bring out the best in people. He not only cares about the people he manages but guides them to a path of success. His “Everyone Leaves Happy” culture drove Tireman Auto Centers to record sales, and profits and should be a model for the retail industry. Thank you, Bob, for your leadership and vision!”

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839