For Current and Future Leaders

With current leaders or when considering a team member for a promotion, openly discussing their leadership strengths and weaknesses is critical for their continued development. This process keeps them humble while helping them see where to invest in themselves. The goal is to extract two or three focus areas for improvement while celebrating their successes and new or potential opportunities. It also says you want to continue investing in their growth and development.

It is amazing how rewarding this process can be. I conduct these competency discussions with your current and future leaders or I can offer guidance and suggestions if you prefer to conduct them in-house. These discussions can also be helpful for "last chance" performance improvement cases.

Here's a sample of the competencies:

1.  Employee Experience – “Everyone Leaves Happy”, period. Understands that “the team”...

2.  Customer Experience – “Everyone Leaves Happy”, period. Puts the customer experience at the...

3.  Integrity and Character – Walks the talk and sets an example for all team members; true to their...

4.  Decision making – Guided by priorities; balances urgent and important. Can pull...

5.  Building Teams – Develops a fun spirit in the team. Celebrates wins and shares...

6.  Time Management – Able to quickly prioritize and reprioritize. Concentrates efforts on...

7.  Drive for Results – Can be counted on to achieve goals despite setbacks. Top-line...

8.  Emotional Control – Cool under pressure; not defensive or irritated when times are tough. Holds...

9.  Managerial Courage – Does not hold back.  Says what needs to be said, when it needs to be said, and...

10. Energy – Sees energy as a required attribute for any leader and believes that “the speed of the leader is the...

11. Commitment and Loyalty – Understands leadership positions require much more time, energy, and...

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839