Whether on the phone or in person, I have one set of core steps that are non-negotiables for tires, mechanical service, or batteries:

1. Understand the Need

2. Provide a Solution

3. Get the Commitment


Let's agree: Likeability has much to do with who you hire, especially for sales positions. You saw their personality shine through during the interview, so please don't turn them into scripted robots. Instead, let's teach them the core steps to a sale with a 'less is more' approach. Let their personality shine, and they'll close more sales.

Sales Professionals:

Every vehicle and every customer is an opportunity you should appreciate. Your appreciation should be genuine, and your interest in their needs should be your top priority—present solutions to fill those needs and ask for the sale. You'll get their commitment if you understand their need and provide the right solution. Be interested. Be genuine. Be human. Be you.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839



In any business, the number one cause of underperformance or, worse yet, going out of business is the failure to define roles and processes clearly. I am insistent on this and would love to discuss your business.

I implemented "roles" training for my organization. As a result, we experienced a same-day jump in total company gross profit per car of 15%. That meant the 20,484 vehicles were worth an increase of over a quarter million dollars in that first month. Yes, we ran over 20,000 vehicles every month across 19 locations.

Let's discuss your roles and processes. I know I can help.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839