Frequently Asked Questions

How Can You Help Me Grow My Business?

First of all, I appreciate you giving me a look. Thank you.

I have over 40 years of retail service experience and love growing businesses. My experience includes leading a team of 24 direct reports for over 13 years for a significant Midwest independent tire and auto service chain with 20 locations.

Beginning at an early age, it was evident to my employers that I had a natural talent for building their businesses. I have always been quick to identify hidden opportunities and intensely curious about everything related to business. The most basic principle of business, exchanging goods and services for money, has always intrigued me. My innate curiosity and extreme desire to uncover opportunities leading to wins always fuels me.

I would be excited to discuss your business, allowing you to determine if I can help. I expect I'll learn something new; hopefully, you can too.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839


How Do You Prioritize Your Analysis of My Business?

I will analyze your business guided by these specific 6-P's:


"It's All About The PEOPLE." They are your greatest asset. I'll be interested in learning how influential your leaders are, how deep your bench is, how well you're staffed, and numerous other related 'people' things. Of course, customer satisfaction and vendor relationships also fall under this category.

PERFORMANCE is where the excitement is. It's where team spirit drives at top speed. Top-performing teams drive the financial reward for employees and owners alike. I'll be interested in how you communicate minimum performance standards while holding accountability. You should be using several scorecards. The P&L is the leadership scorecard, and there are always a few line items that need improvement. I can help with that.

PROCESSES drive the efficiency of your operation and feed team happiness by eliminating unnecessary frustration. They are the result of otherwise untapped additional gross profit dollars. Processes and procedures need to be maintained and tweaked constantly. That way, when you're boomin' with business, the team is already running like a well-oiled machine. Remember, a "Continuous Improvement" effort is great if you are committed to making immediate course corrections. Otherwise, it's just another overused buzzphrase. Are you committed?

PRODUCTS and SERVICES are why customers visit you. There are opportunities that many overlook or forget to review. How much are you leaving on the table? There are many interesting things to discuss here.

In this context, PROPERTY is about consistency for your image and the synergy of your advertising dollars. Of course, location is important, but sometimes, it's unaffordable to be on the main drag. There are ways to make up for a hard-to-find shop. This is when I usually like to discuss short and long-term growth goals. Owning versus leasing and building versus acquiring.

PROMOTION is last on the list for a reason. To maximize your advertising dollars, your people, processes, products, and property better be tight, or you'll have unmeasurable waste. That does not mean you don't advertise and promote your business until the others are perfect. Rather, it's a reminder that if you want to get the greatest return on your ad spend, you must be focused on getting and keeping the rest of your business as efficient as possible.

I can't include everything here. This is just a sampling of my approach. I'm capable of digging very deep into all areas of your business. If you need significant support or have a more specific issue, I would look forward to helping you reach an effective solution.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839


How do you charge for your services?

I would like to mutually determine the right approach for you and your business after we discuss shared opportunities and if we agree that I can be helpful to you.

I am open to a discounted commission plus hourly billing or discussing an appropriate monthly retainer with detailed billing. I'll want to do what makes the most sense for both of us.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839

Do You Offer Advertising and Marketing Services?

Yes. With 23 years of experience, we offer a complete portfolio of services for independent tire and service dealers as well as other small to medium businesses.

A "Getting Acquainted" call is free. I look forward to hearing from you.

Call Now: 747-262-4839